In - Is usually used to state that someone or something is in a (the boundaries can be physical or virtual place).
On - Is usually used to state someone or something is on top of a surface.
At - Is usually used to state something or someone is at a specific place.
A list of most prepositions of place.
At a specific place:at the mall, at the table, at work
On a place that is physically on top of a place: on the table, on the wall, on the floor
In a place that is enclosed or within boundaries: in the city, in the box, in the park
IMPORTANT: In English we say: on the island, in the city/country side, in the mountains - except when you mean that something or someone is physically on the mountain, at the office
The ball is under the box/ La pelota está debajo de la caja
The ball is in the box/ La pelota está dentro de la caja
The ball in on the box/La pelota está sobre la caja
Practica tu conocimiento de las preposiciones de lugar, haciendo este cuestionario
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